The NoLimit Web Hosting Service
The best-selling web hosting service in Czechia. Treat yourself to high performance, stability, and quality! The ‘NoLimit’ service is ideal for WordPress and other CMS and e-shop solutions.
The Favourite
Web Hosting Service
The best-selling web hosting in the Czech Republic between 2011 - 2024. We are running more than 116848 active web hosting services.
for WordPress
The most used web hosting service for WordPress websites in the Czech Republic!
The Most Modern
Treat yourself to high performance, stability, and quality! 24/7 customer support.
‘NoLimit’ – a professional web hosting service, which is 100% on SSD and with 24/7 support.
- PHP 8.x / 7.x / 5.x + MySQL/MariaDB
- HTTP/2 + HTTPS support
- Unlimited web space - 100% on SSD
- Unlimited traffic
- Unlimited databases, subdomains, ...
- 512 MB PHP memory limit (can be increased to 1024 MB)
- 2 GB for MariaDB (can be increased to 5 GB)
- 5 GB for emails (can be up to160 GB)
- CRON (task scheduler), CRON+
- 3 free aliases (upgradable to unlimited)
- Ideal for Joomla, WordPress, e-commerce, ...
- Open source installation in 1 click
- DDoS + IDS/IPS protection
- Antivirus, Antispam
- Refund guarantee (up to 180 days)
- Lowest price guarantee
- 99,98 % availability guarantee
- 24/7/365 customer support
- 2 private datacenters
What is the NoLimit Service?
For your website, we offer unlimited space on the most modern All flash storage HPE 3 PAR StoreServ Storage 8450s with robust IPS/IDS and DDoS protection.tailored by our developers and technicians to fit our services. The rapid running of editorial systems and online shops is ensured by 3,7 GHz processors.
The service is operated on branded HPE ProLiant m710x Server Blade servers, which are located in HPE Moonshot 1500 server cabinets. These were designed by Hewlett Packard Enterprise specifically for giant cloud solutions. The servers are located exclusively in our private data centers. No one else has access to them, and there is increased physical security. We meet the ISO 27001 (security information) certification guidelines, as well as all conditions of GDPR.
Our control panel allows you to conveniently change service settings. Everything is fully automated – from ordering the service, invoicing, starting the service, changing parameters, adding domains to the web hosting to termination.
Our customer administration also includes advanced features that allow you, for example, to make the administration of the web hosting service available to your programmer while still having full control over the service, billing, etc.
Since you do not need the assistance of our administrators to change the settings (you can change everything yourself), you can enter any change into the system yourself and it will be carried out immediately (if technically possible).
Should you encounter any problems, we have free 24/7customer support available for NoLimit web hosting via chat, contact form or email. There is also our knowledge base, where you can find hundreds of tutorials.
PHP Parameters
The web hosting service includes PHP technology with many supported modules.
PHP versions – 8.2, 8.1, 8.0, 7.4, 7.3, 7.2, 7.1, 7.0, 5.6, 5.5, 5.4, 5.3
NoLimit | NoLimit Extra | |
PHP memory_limit | 512 MB | 1024 MB |
PHP upload_max_filesize | 128 MB | 256 MB |
PHP post_max_size | 128 MB | 256 MB |
PHP max_execution_time | 90 s (max 300 s) | 90 s (max 300 s) |
Number of PHP processes | 25 | 30 |
All PHP versions – 5.3 to 8.2 – can be combined on each web host. The script extension determines how the script will be interpreted (what version it will run under):
- .php – default PHP version – can be selected in the web hosting order and changed at any time in the customer administration
- .php53 – always PHP 5.3
- .php54 – always PHP 5.4
- .php55 – always PHP 5.5
- .php56 – always PHP 5.6
- .php70 – always PHP 7.0
- .php71 – always PHP 7.1
- .php72 – always PHP 7.2
- .php73 – always PHP 7.3
- .php74 – always PHP 7.4
- .php80 – always PHP 8.0
- .php81 – always PHP 8.1
- .php82 – always PHP 8.2
Current PHP versions we offer
- PHP 5.3(phpinfo)
- PHP 5.4(phpinfo)
- PHP 5.5(phpinfo)
- PHP 5.6(phpinfo)
- PHP 7.0(phpinfo)
- PHP 7.1(phpinfo)
- PHP 7.2(phpinfo)
- PHP 7.3(phpinfo)
- PHP 7.4 (phpinfo)
- PHP 8.0(phpinfo)
- PHP 8.1(phpinfo)
- PHP 8.2(phpinfo)
The PHP version can be selected directly in the order or changed at any time in the customer center
ATTENTION! – PHP versions 5.3 – 7.4 are outdated and no updates (or security updates) are being released. We do not recommend using them, instead use one of the newer versions.
All versions are available on all servers at all web hosts. There is no need to ask us to activate or move to another server. Just switch the version in the administration.
We use XCache as a cache opcode on our servers for PHP 5.3 and 5.4. For PHP versions 5.5, 5.6, 7.x and 8.x, the Zend Opcache, the default opcode cache that comes with PHP, is deployed.
Web hosting runs on Linux operating system and Apache 2.4 web server with support for mod_deflate, htaccess and mod_rewrite. PHP runs on top of Apache as a FastCGI module.
PHP.ini parameters that you can change yourself
You can set the following PHP parameters yourself in the customer administration:
- allow_url_fopen
- allow_url_include
- display_errors
- html_errors
- ignore_repeated_errors
- ignore_user_abort
- implicit_flush
- magic_quotes_gpc
- output_buffering
- session.auto_start
- session.cookie_httponly
- session.cookie_secure
- session.use_cookies
- session.use_only_cookies
- xcache.cacher (PHP 5.3 and 5.4)
Installed PHP modules
- bcmath
- bzip2
- calender
- ctype
- curl
- date
- home
- ereg
- exif
- fileinfo
- filter
- ftp
- GD 2.0 with support for Freetype, GIF, JPEG, PNG and BMP
- gettext
- gmp
- hash
- iconv
- ImageMagick (as a PHP module cannot be called via shell – more info)
- imap, imap-ssl
- ionCube Loader
- json
- libxml
- mbstring
- mcrypt
- mhash
- mysql
- mysqli
- openssl
- PDO – sqlite and MySQL
- Phar
- session
- soap
- sockets
- SQLite
- tokenizer
- xmlrpc
- xsl
- zip
- zlib
You can also use the PEAR extension. Nothing prevents you from uploading it to your web host. These are basically “normal” PHP files. You can upload them via FTP to webhosting, nainclude, or. set the correct path to auto-include and use.
Apache parameters, htaccess
For the NoLimit service we chose the Apache web server. Everything is tuned for maximum performance and safety. NoLimit is regularly tested for compatibility with the most widely used content management systems. We are also in touch with the developer community. We have two CMS specialists who can advise you beyond support.
There is a .htaccess configuration file where you can modify the behavior of the web server.
In particular:
– create a so-called nice URL -
module mod_expires
– setting HTTP headers for caching static content in browsers - creating custom error pages – what should the browser display if, for example, the requested page does not exist (404 status code)
- restricting access to directories or the entire web hosting, for example by IP address
- fast redirection
- to block access to a directory or file
- creating subdomains
Cache (speeding up loading by storing in server memory)
The mod_expires module is also active on the webserver. By default, HTTP headers are set to cache static content for 1 week. It applies to images, CSS styles, JavaScript and other static content.
You can disable this caching or change its settings in .htaccess. Detailed tutorials and examples can be found in our knowledge base.
Other settings and information
Setting up .htaccess is often not easy, so we have a special section for .htaccess in the knowledge base.
MySQL parameters
An unlimited number of MariaDB databases are available for web hosting. Total database space is limited to 2 GB (or 2GB)
Parameters of mariaDB database for web hosting
- the number of databases is not limited – it is possible to have as many databases as needed
- Total database space: 2 GB (5 GB for NoLimit Extra)*
- MySQL versions: 5.6.12, 5.5.30 and 5.1.55
- MariaDB version: 10.4
- storage engines: myISAM, InnoDB, XtraDB, Archive, Heap (Memory)
- default character set: UTF-8
- all available character sets are supported
- administration via phpMyAdmin interface
- from PHP it is possible to connect via mysql, mysqli or PDO object interface
- online setup via the customer center (in the details of the specific web hosting)
- the database is accessible only from the web hosting, for securityreasonsit cannot be accessed from outside (not even individually, temporarily or for an additional fee, it is not possible even from virtual or dedicated servers in our country)
For more information and tutorials on MySQL, please visit our knowledge base.
* 2 GB (or. 5 GB in the NoLimit Extra web hosting variant) is the largest possible space that can be used for databases on the web hosting. This space does not go above 2 GB (5 GB) in any way …to increase, even at a premium. In case of higher requirements we recommend to use WMS.
E-mail services
NoLimit web hosting also includes an unlimited number of email boxes for your domain.
We run our mail services on our own e-mail solution, built on opensource technologies (Postfix, Dovecot). The entire postal system is designed as a high-availability solution, i.e. a solution with high availability and minimal possibility of any failure. The individual services (receiving, downloading, sending mail) are functionally independent of each other and are fully redundant – so even in the event of a failure of one of the servers, there will be no failure and all services will remain functional.
The number of e-mail boxes is unlimited, but the total space occupied (for the entire domain) is limited to 5 GB. Further increases (above 5 GB) are available at an additional cost.
Services offered by the mailserver (all included in the price)
- sending e-mails via SMTP protocol (authentication required)
- receiving POP3 and IMAP messages
- encrypted variants of SMTPS, POP3S, IMAPS protocols
– advanced web interface for working with the mailbox and its configuration - antispam and antivirus, advanced techniques against attacks
- automatic responses
- filtering by rules
- domain trash option (messages to any address delivered to a specific mailbox)
Setting and limiting email services
- Email space: 5 GB,(can be increased to 160 GB)
- max. number of emails sent per day: 500(more information)
- max. size of sent emails including attachments: 100 MB
- The SMTP server cannot be used for sending bulk messages (e.g. newsletters)
- e-mail services do not include: groupware, calendar, data sharing, synchronization, Instant Messaging, VoIP
For more information about email services, please see the knowledge base
HPE Moonshot
The service runs on HPE Moonshot branded servers developed by Hewlett Packard Enterprise specifically for giant cloud solutions.
45 powerful servers in one 4 and 1 / 3U box. Each server with 2 x 10 Gbps connectivity to redundant switches. Connectivity of the whole box up to 8 x 40 = 320 Gbps! A total of up to 450 servers in one rack.
NVMe SSDs only.
Web Hosting Gifts
You can choose a gift with each web hosting NoLimit and NoLimit Extra order.
Add-on services
The additional increase of web hosting parameters can be selected when ordering web hosting or can be activated at any time in the customer administration in the details of the specific web hosting.
Do You Need Help?
Our customer support is made up of people who enjoy internet technology. They will provide you with information about services, possibly help with an order, and control of the service through customer administration. They can help you with billing matters.
Prior to contacting us, please look through our Knowledge Base, where most problems and queries are addressed.
Support is available 24/7 via chat, email or contact form. The reaction to common technical questions is immediate, in the case of more complex problems, a technician will answer within 2 hours.
Here we have a detailed description (step by step) of how to transfer web hosting from another provider to us. No outages and problems.
Yes, the space for website files is not limited.
Yes, if you need to host more domains, there is an option to use aliases within the NoLimit and NoLimit Extra plans.
Further information:
Do you not know the exact differences between web hosting, a virtual server (VPS) and a dedicated server, and can’t decide which one is the better solution for running your website or other application?
Do you want to operate, for example: WWW pages – any of our hosting products can be used for this – web hosting, VPS and a dedicated server. Rozdíly mezi nimi jsou v možnostech, které nabízí, náročnosti správy, výkonu, míry sdílení serveru s dalšími zákazníky aj.
Further information:
Need more performance?
Switch to the more powerful NoLimit Extra. You get higher CPU performance, better PHP performance, more space for databases and emails. The Extra package also includes a free daily backup and restore from backup.